Unable to connect to my DVR

Kmartin2256 Posts: 3 Spectator

I recently switched locations of the DVR because I was getting the Error while rebooting and had the error at step 3.


  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 673 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello @Kmartin2256

    Welcome to our community! I'm sorry to hear about the DVR issues. Did changing which cable outlet the DVR was using allow it to fully boot up?

  • Kmartin2256
    Kmartin2256 Posts: 3 Spectator

    It initially had the same error at the other location.... I checked a few days later. The DVR was working.. switched it back initial reboot had the same error. Boot again ... (Disconnected power then coax, waited about 10 sec. Reconnected coax the power rebooted successfully... Diagnosis shows reboot success) app still connect to DVR.

  • Kmartin2256
    Kmartin2256 Posts: 3 Spectator

    I have updated my DVR and now I'm getting a drdv-1000 error ... Will I be able to use the DVR feature on the app anymore..... Also caller id isn't working.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,077 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Sorry you are still having this issue, happy new year!

    Have you tried rebooting your modem and router? This can help with many issues with our app even when not connected through your home internet.

    If the issue persists afterward a technician may be needed to test the lines and equipment.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,305 Contributor


    Agree with @William_M ,

    If the reboot of the modem and router does not work, a service call will probably be needed.

    Caller ID on TV can take up to 24 hours to activate on a swapped box.


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