Cloud DVR Strorage Capability

TammyH Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2023 in Cloud DVR

I am thinking of moving to the Cloud DVR Plus. I have spoken to Spectrum Reps multiple times and have received conflicting answers on storage capabilities. Some reps say that you can only save 50 shows on the Cloud DVR and 100 shows on the DVR Plus. Another says that you can save 50 hours on the Cloud DVR and 100 hours on the DVR Plus. While another rep says that the other reps misunderstood it, there is unlimited storage space and that the cloud DVR can record 50 shows at once and the cloud DVR plus can record 100 shows at once. I am not sure that I believe that. When I google search Spectrum Cloud DVR, a tech reviewer said it can only save 50 hour and 100 hours but that was when it first came out years ago.

Please do not send me the link for about Cloud DVR, I read it and it does say you can record 50 shows at once and 100 shows at once for Cloud DVR plus. It says that you can say the shows for 90 Days on Cloud DVR and 1 year on Cloud DVR plus. It does not say anything about how many hours of storage you have. Can anyone answer this? How many hours of storage do you get?


  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,090 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @TammyH, welcome to our community!

    I'm sorry for the mixed information. Cloud DVR can record 50 shows and Cloud DVR + can record 100 shows. There is no hour limit.

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