Has anyone else had issues with the new WiFi 6 router connecting?

Snyderboys0816 Posts: 1 Newcomer

I exchanged my modem and router, per Spectrums instructions. The modem is connected online but the router will not connect. I’ve called and spoke with someone and he walked me through all the steps and nothing helped. Went back to Spectrum and traded the router and still same issue. Will not activate and blinks red!!

Best Answer

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,097 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Snyderboys0816, welcome to our community!

    Please make sure you are rebooting the modem any time you change what is connected to it, not doing so is the most common reason the modem is online but a newly connected device is not. I also recommend trying a different ethernet cable between the modem and router, or if you can connect just one device straight to the modem with ethernet, reboot the modem, and test to see if that has internet.

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