Slow Upload Speeds

dr133 Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited January 10 in Home Networking

I continue to see slower speeds than what I should be getting (300 down, 10 up), especially upload. I have had techs out here 5 times. They verified that the problems was not inside my home. I have replaced the Spectrum modem 4 times and replaced my router. I even replaced all my Ethernet cables. I finally received a service issue email that they were working on the issue and the problem was resolved on 12-9-23. I continue to see the same issue, this morning was 204Mbps down and 0.14Mbps up. I am now seeing considerable Jitter and Loss numbers (see attachment). How can I get this resolved?

Best Answer

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 4,729 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi & welcome!

    I was able to locate your account and I see that there was a maintenance order completed recently. Using our diagnostic tools, I am not able to communicate with your modem, which indicates there is still an issue. We would recommend scheduling another service call at your earliest convenience. Since you indicated that you have had previous service calls, additional ones should be flagged as a repeat issue, giving it a higher priority.

    Thanks for your patience.

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