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Why won't DVR hold series recording for sports event.

stew7962 Posts: 2 Spectator
edited July 10 in Watch TV 2024 Archive

I have my DVR set to record both NASCAR and Formula one series but most times have to go back in and record them separately. I am new to Spectrum having come from Xfinity. It seems this DVR is 10 years behind my Xfinity equipment. I could set a series to record like racing and it would record on any channel it would come on. Never missed a race with them. Also with Xfinity I could record on my DVR in the living room and watch the recording on any other box in the house or on the Xfinity site on the computer if at work. Can't do any of that with Spectrum or can you. I could do the same thing with my Directv box when I was with them. Any help would be great.

Best Answer

  • Jaleesa_F
    Jaleesa_F Posts: 542 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @stew7962

    Welcome to Community Forums! We certainly appreciate your feedback. There is the ability to record series on the Spectrum cable box. However, recordings can only be watched on the DVR that they are recorded on. We do not offer whole-house DVR, my apologies for any inconvenience.


  • stew7962
    stew7962 Posts: 2 Spectator

    Thanks for the response. Whole house recording is definitely something that needs put in or ability to record on the app. No reason with today's technology you don't have it especially when so many others do.

    I do have the different series set to record. The problem is more with the racing sporting events especially is it doesn't always record the event. I always have to know what the schedule is so I can check and more times then not I have to hit the record button again even though the series is already set.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor
    edited March 1

    Edit: Different network now but same idiosyncrasy with NASCAR Cup Series on USA Network last summer. Not too long after each new live race would that race be added to on-demand and not only that but the programming series would be overwritten by a new programming series, rendering the DVR programming series recording schedule defunct each cycle. I'm skeptical that re-distributors control original distributors' programming seriesology but who knows.

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