My "Safe Senders" list is being ignored. Emails from these senders is still going to Spam folder
I have added email addresses and domains to my Safe Senders list in Webmail, but emails from these email addresses and domains are still being placed in the Spam folder.
Here is an example of a domain that is having its emails put in Spam. Please look into this.
There are several other examples.
In addition, there are several entries in my Blocked senders list for which I still get emails. What's the purpose of these lists if they are ignored. Here's an example of the Blocked sender domain:
Best Answer
Instead of "", you could always try "" and/or the full email address and see what happens but, since "...Messages from Safe Senders will still go through our security check and spam filtering for your protection.", you might as well hit Filter Rules and create a rule for "" and/or a rule for the full email address, to keep those messages from going straight into your junk folder.
"" is potentially technically neither an email address nor a domain name so try blocking "" and/or the full email address and always pay attention to the actual email address between the angle brackets rather than any potentially impostorous email addresses that can be made to appear in the display name field.
I have a coupe of followup questions/comments on your reply:
First, I'm a little confused by the screen where I can add email addresses or domains to my Webmail profile. When I type into the Safe Sender box, in the space below that box Webmail seems to indicate that it is already in the list, but when I scroll through the list I can't find it. What does this mean (other than that the list is not working properly). The same is true for the Blocked senders. When I typed, the name was displayed below the box where I entered but again, when I scroll through the list it isn't there.
Second, I don't know what you mean when you said that wasn't a domain name. Are you saying that the @ merely indicates that what follows the @ is the actual domain name and that by including the @ I am entering an incorrect name? Even if that's true, my first question seems to indicate that even if I omit the @ it still won't work because the true domain name won't be added to the list.
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Once the domain or address appears below the entry field, its appearance is followed by the phrase "will be added" at which point you have to hit Save at the bottom. If any problems, leave the page, as in go to a different page within the webmail UI, and then return and try again. Also, it turns out that you can't prefix the domain name format with any special characters; the UI won't accept it so the discussion about the @ symbol is moot.
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OK, I understand what you're saying about the special characters like @, but I have added just the part without the special character (like to the blocked senders list, but at least some of those emails were not blocked. In addition, I have added to the Safe Senders list and still had emails from that domain put in the Spam folder. Plus, I don't see the "will be added" text below where I type the domain name I want to add.
Here is what I am going to try: From what you've said, I can create a filter saying that any email that the from field contains should be put in the Inbox. If that works (no emails meeting that criteria gets marked as Spam in say a week, I guess I'll give up on the Safe Senders list and simply create a filter for each email address or domain that's currently in my Safe Senders list.
But even if that works for safe senders, what would I do for emails I want to block?
Please respond to both my planned strategy for Safe Senders and my question about blocking senders.
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Hey, t, as i add one or more items to either list, each will appear at the top of list, below the entry field, outstanding in green text and followed by "will be added" in grey text. Then when i hit Save down below, they get saved and alphabetically shuffled down into the list hence in black text and with the cue phrase hence gone. Nothing to worry about, though, as long the stuff is ultimately showing up in the list as successfully added. Also, i agree that patience is a virtue when it comes to the actual results of such settings as email handling settings.