Whys is a website inaccessible? Error 405 Not allowed Error 54113

notausername Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited March 16 in Connectivity


I am unable to access this website while connected to Spectrum internet. I just had a chat with an agent who also was unable. Turning off network security on wifi router didn't solve it. This is legitimately just a hardware store which is quite common around us, Aubuchon Hardware. All other internet and cell providers I've accessed it from successfully, but Spectrum it seems has deemed it threatening enough to block it. Can anyone else access it on a spectrum network?

Best Answer

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,090 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited March 16 Answer ✓

    Hi @notausername, welcome to our community!

    It doesn't look like the website is blocked by our security shield or otherwise, Error 405 seems to be a problem with HTTP method. I've tested https://www.hardwarestore.com/ on my own residential Spectrum Internet connection and it loaded without error.

    Are you able to try going there from a different device or web browser? Also make sure your browser is not auto-completing anything to the end of the URL which might no longer be a valid page.