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mira12 Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited July 10 in Internet 2024 Archive

Why can I not connect my playstation to the internet


  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 835 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello and welcome to the Spectrum Community.

    I do apologize for any issues that you are having. You can go to this link to get general information on connecting devices to the internet. If you still have issues after going through those steps let us know.


  • RAIST515O
    RAIST515O Posts: 213 Contributor
    edited March 17

    One issue I had with the original PS5 design... connectors of my CAT5 cables would not seat well in the ethernet port. Switched to a CAT6 instead... the extra shielding made it a much snugger fit. Had to put a little extra on it to get it to click in there good, but no connectivity issues with it since.

    Note that PSN services and games/apps will need some ports opened/forwarded to work properly. If you make sure UPnP is enabled on your router, it should negotiate them on the fly as needed. Setting them manually can be a bit tedious sometimes (necessary ports may change occasionally).

    Other than that, your console(s) can be set to acquire their network settings automatically through the router's DHCP (TCP/IP, DNS, MTU etc.)

    (Need to make sure that the DHCP server is enabled and giving out IPv4 address for that to work, of course... games in generally aren't very big on IPv6 yet, especially in the console space)

    If you want to manually set the IP address of the console and still run DHCP for other devices, make sure to bind the address in DHCP--could potentially create a conflict if it tries to lease that IP to someting else.

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