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How do I fix xumo error message xsrlp-4005

fmackinnon Posts: 2 Spectator
edited July 10 in Watch TV 2024 Archive

Getting error message xsrlp-4005

Best Answer

  • Mo_S
    Mo_S Posts: 133 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Good morning & welcome @fmackinnon!

    Sorry to hear you're having an issue with Spectrum TV on your Xumo device. Thank you for providing error codes you've seen.

    Were you seeing errors on multiple channels and programs, or anything specific? Most errors can be resolved by rebooting the device as well as the internet equipment providing the connection to the device. You can remove the power and coax cable from the modem as well as power from any connected router and the Xumo for at least 60 seconds before reconnecting to reboot. If you have any trouble afterwards, please let us know. - Mo


  • fmackinnon
    fmackinnon Posts: 2 Spectator

    How do I gdt my tv viewing back?? On Xumo and getting error message XSTLP-4005.

  • Landrover2
    Landrover2 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    So this error code xstlp-4005 is a issue specific to the Spectrum app on Xumo & it is to the point that we are going to return it. This is beyond unacceptable, they should have never gone to market with a a subpar appliance & then issues with the app for live viewing. It is not a connection issue when every other app works fine, it is not a wifi dropping issue, it is a Spectrum app issue! Fix it already! You can restart your modem, restart the appliance, refresh the app, factory reset it NOTHING solves the issue, because it is a poorly configured app that we pay way too much money for. It happens way too often, to too many customers.

  • Ruben_R
    Ruben_R Posts: 108 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    I am sorry for the issues that you're experiencing with the Spectrum TV App. Is this happening on 1 device or are you receiving the same error on another device?

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