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Creating Rules and Filters for incoming Spectrum email - Where are instructions

violetdudly Posts: 4 Spectator
edited July 10 in Internet 2024 Archive

Where or where is this information provided? A rule to filter to deflect incoming email with “No Sender” in From field. Come on, a little help?


Best Answers

  • Jaleesa_F
    Jaleesa_F Posts: 534 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @violetdudly

    Welcome to our Community Forums, we are happy to help with rules and filters for Spectrum email! You can create rules and filter emails by going to the Settings in Webmail.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor
    edited April 9 Answer ✓

    The webmail user interface. Log on to your account via www.spectrum.net and hit Check Email in the left column to get to it, and then hit settings, and then hit spam management and enable it by selecting one of the handling options e.g. move to spam folder or move to trash folder, and then hit filter rules and create one as prescribed for good measure, and note that messages gone to the de facto trash folder are presumably purged after 3 days; spam folder, 14 days.

    Edit: while you're in there, mark everything in your inbox that you consider to be spam as such, and then relentlessly continue to do so, via the webmail portal, as time goes by if you want the server to head as much of it off at the pass as it can.




  • violetdudly
    violetdudly Posts: 4 Spectator
    Answer ✓

    Hey HGT

    Looks like you win the kewpie doll. After a trifecta of read-throughs of your instructions I was able to grok it and got the rule set up. So far it works!

    I am now, finally, trying to recognize a few things about life. One is that a certain paradox is true: In the end we are both on our own to solve problems while at the same time become more powerful when part of a community. Pursuing Help Desk support today must be seen as risk taking to a degree. You can’t count on getting informed help. You can’t even count on being transferred to level 2 without having the connection lost and having to start over.

    Another thing is sharing knowledge in a helpful way with others in need makes good karma both ways, giving and receiving. Acting as an informal moderator on sites like this really does actual good and I appreciate it. Especially the follow through. If Spectrum truly had a customer focus they would be hovering up and officially posting solutions like as you laid out. In full disclosure I intend to pay it forward if the opportunity presents, to share your advisory. Hey Spectrum: You listening?



  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor

    Just curious if the "no sender" emails are getting whichever spam treatment (e.g. inbox with SPAM label or move straight to spam folder) you've enabled/selected in settings in your webmail user interface.

    If they aren't getting the spam treatment or if you want more than that, assuming the "from" address is entirely absent, i.e. there is no angle-bracketed email address in the "From: " line of the message header, you could create a rule as follows and see what happens:

    Condition 1 = If: Email From: Does Not Contain: @ ("at" character alone)

    Condition 2 = If: Email From: Does Not Contain: . ("dot" character alone)

    Condition applicability: Any as in either or both

    Then: Delete

  • violetdudly
    violetdudly Posts: 4 Spectator

    where specifically do you lay down the rule condition statements? On the ISP website? Unlikely. Not in Outlook or iOS Mail. Where?

  • violetdudly
    violetdudly Posts: 4 Spectator


    Set up the rules as prescribed. Will advise result. Thank you.


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