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Where is the link to download a program to watch tv?

podloonaroon Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited July 10 in watch.spectrum.net

i want to watch tv on this computer monitor. where is the link to download a program to watch tv?

Best Answer

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,133 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓


    From a browser, you will need to go to watch.spectrum.net and log in using your Spectrum credentials. From there, if you are on your home network, you will see the same channels and content. If you are away from home, some channels will be limited. If you have standard cable box DVR's, you will be able to manage recordings, but you will not be able to access recordings on a physical DVR. You can however, access any On Demand content.

    Let us know if you have any other questions


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,753 Contributor


    Sign in to your Spectrum.net account using the same log in as the forum. Click on the TV tab, and click on "Watch TV." You will need:

    1.) Spectrum Internet

    2.) You must subscribe to the appropriate channel packages. Anything that you watch on CATV, to which you subscribe, should be watchable through a PC, device, or the Spectrum app.


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