Xumo Remote
First of all, I am glad to be back with Spectrum as a TV customer, but, I hate the Xumo remote!!! Are there any remote upgrades coming? I wish it had the reverse, fast forward and play/pause buttons like Roku does. Or a button to give the status of the recording without having to pause the program every time. A window showing what is being FF or reversed through, like Hulu has would be nice as well. Some of these improvements could be made to the device itself, not just the remote, I'm guessing?!? Thanks for letting me vent!!!
Best Answer
Good evening and Welcome to our Community Forums,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your feedback about our Xumo box and remote. We definitely take these types of suggestions seriously and I will be sure to forward them along for consideration. Please let us know if you have any other recommendations or need further assistance. -Lyn