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Why aren't recordings in my library accessable to watch until the next day?

MTuransky Posts: 1 Newcomer

With the old DVR, I could watch a recording as it was recording. Sometimes I cannot start watching the show when it starts on live TV, but want to begin watching it before it completes. With this new Spectrum App I am using on Zumo that I was talked into getting, I don't see recordings show up until the next day in "my library." Why the delay?

Best Answer

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,326 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    HI @MTuransky! Welcome to our community.

    There were previously known issues with the Cloud DVR service but they should have been resolved as of 6/10, so please make sure you have tested the service since then. Do you not have the option to view an in-progress recording anymore, or do you get an error when you try to view it? Can you test if the same thing is happening on devices other than Xumo?

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