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Is This Email Legit From Spectrum or a Scam?

Satch Posts: 5,593 Contributor
edited September 9 in Email

Hey Guys,

Attached is a screenshot of an email I got in my inbox. Is this legit or spam? I did not click on any links. I need to know if I should keep it in my inbox or move it to my spam folder?

I have also included the raw message data to help investigate: (Txt. file)-Notepad

Hovering over the links does not show familiar URL's. Should I move this to my email Spam folder?



Best Answer

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,045 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited August 14 Answer ✓

    Hi @Satch

    Yes, this is a legit email. The email is from the "@spectrumemails.com" domain. If there is ever a question, you can go to who.is and see the domain Registrant Contact Information. For this domain, it's Charter Communications in St. Louis.

    We have seen an uptick recently is phishing attempts and scams. The email sent to you is part of an effort to educate customers on potential scams, similar to the reported here last week: Fake spam email?

    Thanks for the question!

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