Trace route question
Hello, I game/stream at the same time for over a year now, and have been having some net issues in the past few weeks for the first time. Specifically playing FFXIV from a ps5, streaming from a PC. GCDs clipping badly for the most part, some lag happening, etc. (I know the servers have been having some ddos attacks recently, this has been times where only I am experiencing difficulty and my raid members have been fine). A friend had me do some trace routing to the game server I play on and it shows on hops 2-7 the same thing (my modem), timing out on the 6th hop, it escapes my modem on the 8th and continues on. I did another trace route with google's dns and it shows the same thing, hops 2-7 are bouncing off my modem, times out on the 6th, escapes on the 8th to continue. Is this something that should be happening? Other traces I've seen only have that line once, is this a problem with my modem? I don't know if the net problems are just completely separate or could be caused by what I found in the trace routes.
I've tried changing the DNS settings on the router from spectrum's to google's, disabling firewall, traces come out the same way with hops 2-7. Spectrum support said modem connection was good and saw no core packet loss happening.