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Slow Internet

Mcat4 Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited September 4 in Connectivity

After recent outages, our home internet has been extremely slow. Has anyone else had this issue before? What did you do to resolve?


  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 846 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello @Mcat4

    Welcome to our community! I'm sorry to hear about the slow speeds. Have you done any troubleshooting, such as rebooting the modem and router yet?

  • randyjnelsen
    randyjnelsen Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Yes what's next

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,755 Contributor

    Hi @randyjnelsen,

    If the rebooting of equipment does not work, you will need to set up a service call for a signal and drop line test. If your signals and/or lines are bad, the tech will replace wiring. If your signals and lines are good, and you rent Internet equipment from Spectrum, the tech will update your Internet equipment.


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