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Multi-Factor Authentication

Perew Posts: 1 Newcomer

When will Spectrum enable MFA security for logins? Hacking is real and passwords alone are not the best protection. I am a certified cybersecurity practitioner. We really need MFA on our accounts.

Best Answers

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,332 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Perew, welcome to our community!

    I understand your concerns with us not having multi-factor authentication. While I haven't heard of any plans to implement it in the near future, I can certainly forward your feedback.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Heard that. For whatever it's worth to whomever it may be worth anything to, here, i believe, are some of the key factors of Spectrum's account security regimen:

    1. Account security code.
    2. Account security question.
    3. One-time security code via email to get account email address(es) verified.
    4. One-time security code via phone call or text to get account phone #(s) verified.
    5. Forced password change due to suspicious account access activity.
    6. Password change requires access to verified email address or phone number and/or knowledge of account security question and/or code.

    One prevailing silver lining is that it is impossible for scammers to amplify their impostorous confidence value by phishing one-time security codes out of subscribers in real time via telephone or any other means. Not only do i not sneeze at that, i appreciate it. But that's just me. I'm a certifiable unfrozen caveman. Your modern ways frighten and confuse me. 🙂


  • PJK
    PJK Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I 100% agree that Spectrum should provide an option (or require) multi-factor authentication. It's a widely used and standard operating procedure for most online access. Email hacking is a huge risk, and this is one very important way to provide excellent service to your users.

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