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Ethernet doesn’t work while wifi does

AndreG99 Posts: 1 Newcomer

I have had discussions with the “chat agent” that is clearly AI fooling people, and a live agent. Connection through wifi works perfectly fine, albeit spotty as expected with Spectrum, but loads websites and apps fine on my pc and various other devices. When I connect ethernet to my pc and laptop, all I get are broken images and unreachable addresses. This is almost always caused by firewall settings, which the agents are convinced don’t exist, so I can’t even tweak them myself for my own damn connection. I work in network security so I know what I’m doing when I say I covered all the basics and there is nothing on my side that I can touch that has fixed it. Anyone have any suggestions or know of a way to access my own modems firewall? I have no choice but to use Spectrum if I want internet out in Benson NC. Hate every bit of this monopolizing company


  • RAIST515O
    RAIST515O Posts: 212 Contributor

    Their modems are in essence basically passthrough devices (there's some encryption and security in DOCSIS and such, but in the normal sense, they just pass network traffic).

    If you have a modem/router combo... that is likely a different story.

    I have always used my own routers... so I can fully control my wifi and security (eventually started using my own modem too). When managing your own wifi, you can also remove the wifi management fee from your bill if it is on there (think it is baked into the gig plan now).

    If they sent you a modem/router combo, you can still have them change the bridge mode so it disables their wifi and behaves as a pass through modem to use your own router without having to replace the modem.

  • Edward_T
    Edward_T Posts: 88 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello @AndreG99;

    Welcome to the Community Forums. You are currently using one of our routers and all controls for the router is done within the My Spectrum app. You can download it in the app store. The router configuration would have the same effect on the connection while connecting using Ethernet or WIFI. I optimized the router settings to see if it helps with your connection. If you are still seeing issues with the Ethernet connection only then I would recommend try replacing the router. You can stop at a Spectrum store to swap the router. I would also recommend you try switching to a different Ethernet cable to see if it helps.