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Why is there no data in the channel guide?

When I clicked the GUIDE button on the remote (UR3-SR3S), there was a message - PLEASE WAIT. It stayed that way for some time, but it froze the remote. Number buttons pressed didn't do anything. I couldn't change the channel. In about 2 minutes the guide appeared, but no data - just blank spaces where the channel info should be. Still most button didn't function. I forgot what button I pressed, but I finally was able to restore the remote function, but I'm dubious about trying to access the channel guide again. What could have happened?


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,733 Contributor

    Hello @deedleann824 ,

    These issues are almost always resolved by rebooting the cable box. Power off everything, unplug the box for five minutes, plug it back in and wait for the box to reboot.

    If this happens on a regular basis, you might need a service call to check your signals and lines, Those may need to be updated. If the signals and lines are good, and this comes back, it could mean that the box will need to be replaced.

    Hopefully, the cold reboot fixes this!


  • deedleann824
    deedleann824 Posts: 148 Contributor

    Now that I think about it, I believe it was the CBL button that restored function to the remote.