How do I delete a series on my DVR when there are no longer any recordings

Nanajoan29 Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited September 2023 in Watch TV 2023 Archive

I need to delete old series that no longer have any new recordings. My trmote files not have a delete or D button.

Best Answer

  • Lyn_T
    Lyn_T Posts: 393 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Good evening and Welcome to our Community Forums,

    Thank you for reaching out to us about managing your DVR series content. You can either delete content individually or you can delete the entire series.

    To cancel an entire series:

    1. Push the List button on your remote to open up DVR.
    2. Select the Manage tab.
    3. Scroll down and select Series Manager.
    4. Use the up/down arrows to choose the series you want to cancel.
    5. On the left side of the screen, scroll down and select Cancel Series.
    6. Select Yes when prompted to confirm your cancellation.

    If you need any further assistance please let us know. Take care - Lyn

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