Why did the new email interface remove the ability to MOVE a sent email to another file?

Bill1982 Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2023 in Email

The old email allowed me to MOVE a SENT email to another folder. When you would click on the email and open it, the header would contain a MOVE option. The new interface removed this option. When I called, I was told it was because of security reasons. I find that hard to believe and I felt I was just being given an answer I couldn't argue with. Who doesn't want a secure email? Now I have to bcc everything I send to be able to move a sent email to another file. I would appreciate if someone could please inform the Tech Dept. that this needs to be looked into and corrected. Thank you.

Best Answer

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,108 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi @Bill1982!

    I appreciate you taking the time to come here and provide your feedback about the webmail changes. Unfortunately I could only speculate why that was removed, though I'm also not sure where the security concern would come from. I would guess most residential customers probably don't ever move sent mail or those that do are using third party mail clients with more advanced features than webmail, so it may have been removed to reduce clutter or was just an overlooked feature when developing the new webmail. I will be happy to forward comments so they know it is a feature that is being missed!


  • Terry_L120
    Terry_L120 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I also would like to have the ability to move emails in my SENT folder to a created folder. Have those that write the program see about adding that ability. Also you used to be able to drag and drop an email from INBOX to a created folder but you can not do that now. This needs to be addressed.

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