Black lines: mostly on apps

Maybeican Posts: 2 Spectator
edited January 19 in Watch TV 2023 Archive

I now have black lines on both tv's (one Sony, one Samsung), mostly on the apps (Netflix, Apple,

HBO, Hulu, Disney, etc). Cropped at either, top and bottom or left side and right side.

Spectrum came out twice, said it's not a Spectrum issue, it's a tv issue.

How can that be happening to two different tv's, two different models??

I never even changed any settings. TV's were fine, I had no need to adjust anything.

I had Sony look into it, for the one tv. Sony said it's not a Sony problem, as it's affecting Samsung, too.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Ruben_R
    Ruben_R Posts: 85 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    I'm sorry about the issues that you're having. Since is happening on all the apps, the issue is on the TV settings of the aspect ratio. The TV's might have done updates and that caused the issue.


  • Maybeican
    Maybeican Posts: 2 Spectator


    thanks for your input, much appreciated.

    The Sony did do an update recently but not the Samsung.

    So, I've heard from others that updating can cause this.

    Sony says not their issue!

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