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DVR box not recording audio on PBS

mjp2 Posts: 4 Spectator

Our new Cisco dvr box will record audio and video on all channels except the local PBS channel, video will record, but no audio. We have had this problem a few months ago and Spectrum replaced all the cable and connections to our house. Finally after a couple more visits the techs replaced the dvr with a new to us dvr box, with no clock, which worked for a while, until recently when we had shipped to us the current Cisco dvr box...problem is back. anyone else had this problem?

Best Answer

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,326 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @mjp2, welcome to our community!

    Have you noticed any issues with the audio on that channel when watching live? Have you tried manually rebooting the DVR?


  • mjp2
    mjp2 Posts: 4 Spectator

    The audio on live Pbs works fine, just when we go record from that 1 channel will get the video but no audio. This is the second dvr box that has done this, all other channels work fine when recording, when the techs were here a few months ago it did the same for them, finally after a couple of visits they pulled an old box out of the back of their truck and that worked for a few months until that started having different issues. The current dvr box we have is a new Cisco box that was Fed Ex to us. Both us and Spectrum reps have tried numerous reboots!

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,758 Contributor

    Check the audio setting on that box,

    Double check to make sure that SAP or narrator mode is not activated. This can affected audio recording and playback on some channels. You will get sound on 95% of channels, but if SAP/narration is turned on, a small number of channels won't have audio.

    But I think this is a deeper issue:

    1.) You have two different boxes doing the same thing on playback with this PBC channel. One right away, one after a few months.

    2.) What is your Cable TV service package level?

    3.) Do you have any soundbar equipment connected to your TV? Sometimes this can be a problem.

    4.) Any enhanced audio settings on the TV that should be turned off or set to normal?

    5.) Do you have another TV, to hook up the box to in order to test this issue?

    6..) Signal splitters to the TV? These should be removed as they can cause problems. You want a direct line from your box to equipment HDMI cable directly to TV.

    5.) What is the exact PBC station that is doing this and what is your zip code? This way it can be checked to see if this is a problem localized to that area.

    7.) Test other PBC subchannels in your TV subscription package, how do they behave on playback?

    8.) When the tech was out, did he take a signal or line reading of that problematic PBS channel.

    Start with a reboot of the cable box, and go through each step if not resolved or the issue comes back.


  • mjp2
    mjp2 Posts: 4 Spectator
    edited January 16

    Thanks for the feed back, the problem was solved a few days ago when a Spectrum tech came and installed a newer model dvr box, the old Cisco dvr boxes do not record or rewind with audio only on our local PBS channel, all other channels rewind and record fine. This is the second time in the last 4 months, a tech has had to bring a different box, because when I call and order a box the reps. can not specify which box the warehouse ships, so you get what ever is shipped out of the warehouse. 30 mile drive 1 way to the nearest store ... so that is not practical either.

    If we are going to pay premium to have DVR service could you please supply boxes that are from this decade at least! So frustrating to have to go thru several 12 and 15 year old boxes before you find one that is problem free. In the electronics world those old boxes are approaching antique status. If you want to keep your customers prove it.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,758 Contributor
    edited January 16

    Sup @mjp2 ?

    That answer does not make sense to me at all. If a phone rep or tech told you this, he/she's got to be wrong. And I have been with cable TV since 1985!

    As far as recording and playback is concerned if the signals, lines, and cable connections are good, all the boxes should record and playback fine on all channels, (as long as audio is not muted for a special condition on the box, that I noted above.) These boxes are given out in every state serviced by Spectrum, and Cisco (now Technicolor, is a hugely distributed box.) Even if the Cisco boxes had a PBS audio problem and it was the fault of the Cisco box, this would be noted in every Spectrum state, plus other cable providers also use Cisco boxes. I have an older six-tuner Cisco box for the last six years or more, and it is flawless. About three years ago we had a signal/line problem. Picture was breaking up and recordings were being missed. The tech came out and determined our line drop was 30 years old! It was the original cable installed back from 1985. The tech modernized the wiring and the Cisco has not missed a recording since or had any problems.

    The boxes don't prejudice or discriminate the channels that they are on at all. I am glad your issue is solved, but I am still am calling a signal or transmission problem affecting that station in some way. It could be something in your node. But if you get a station that so few people watch, issues like this either come and go, or people just don't care and live with the issue. I will say this, box swaps will never, ever solve bad signal or line problems.

    I am interested in this, what is the PBS station giving you audio only on your Cisco? And what was the model of your Cisco box? I have a Cisco 9865.


  • mjp2
    mjp2 Posts: 4 Spectator

    Spectrum needs to retrain the phone reps then, over the last 4 months I have spoken with several different reps. and get the same answer, that they can not pick the box model, only put the order in for a different box from the warehouse to be sent out. By the way every time the new boxes arrive.. there is no packing around the dvr box...rattling around like a marble in an oversized shipping box. I said this in previous posts, techs have been here several times replaced all the cable from the road into and in the house, checked the signal, were very thorough, when all that failed to resolve the issue with PBS audio, got a different model dvr box out of the service truck, and who knows why but the problem was solved, as varified by the techs before and after the box swap. This has been done twice by techs in the last four months... first replacement dvr box started having other issues after 4 months. So as you can see there is a problem in 14521 zip code with some model dvr boxes and wcny channel 4 Syracuse. I encourage you to talk to the techs that had to do the install to verify. I would be glad to do the box swaps myself but I kept getting sent older models that wouldn't work, and had to return.

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