My DVR saying I have more data on when I don't how can I fix this?

CPellegrin Posts: 2 Spectator
edited July 10 in Watch TV 2024 Archive

My DVR saying I have more data on when I don't how can I fix this?


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,578 Contributor


    What is the percentage of drive space being used by the DVR? How many tuners do you have on your box? The boxes with clocks being given out today generally have two tuners, The boxes without clocks that are more modern have four tuners. The amount of tuners refers to how many shows you can record at once without conflicts.

    If the percent indicator is from 10%-50% - you generally don't have anything to worry about.

    If the percent indicator is at 55%-75%- you could experience some slowdowns and possible recording conflicts because of the drive getting full.

    If the percent indicator is over 75% - you really need to start watching your shows and series and start deleting them from your DVR. One way to do this is make sure in settings that you are keeping the default save option. "Save until Space is Needed." I don't recommend using the "Do Not Delete" option Through the "Save Until Space is Needed."method, your DVR will begin to delete the oldest recordings first to make space for new recordings. However, a DVR is NOT intended to be a permanent storage archive. It is designed to hold shows for a period of time to watch them at your conveyance. Be aware that nighttime software updates, or a very high percentage of storage space can remove recordings from your DVR. To prevent your DVR from being too cluttered, I recommend trying to watch your shows and series episodes within a window of one month's time.

    Additionally, when you delete recordings, especially when you have a lot of them, it may take several hours for the percentage space to go down. (Up to six, maybe more.) By design this is a normal condition. Users who have very, very few recordings in their DVR playback list, but have an alarmingly high storage used number, (Like 50% or more with only 3 recordings,) should cold reboot their boxes, and wait for six hours for the recording percentage to start dropping and use my above recommendations to prevent this from happening again. If after the cold reboot and six hour wait and the deletion of watched shows, you still have a high percentage, I would watch as many shows as you can, and if that percentage is not going down, you have a super super old box and should swap it out for a newer model. The new models hold 1TB of storage and about 100 hours of HD programing. But for best DVR management, don't wait till it gets anywhere near that point. Keep your DVR storage space used below 50% for best performance.


  • CPellegrin
    CPellegrin Posts: 2 Spectator

    It's saying 72 % and have only one hour program on it now. Did a rebooted didn't fix it was told to swap it out for new one.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,578 Contributor

    Yea I agree,

    You could try waiting to see if the percentage drops, but a box swap is the best idea in this case. How old is that box? Try to get the World Box. It's the DVR without a clock.


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