Why can't I access my roadrunner.com account?

Sickofpasswords_16 Posts: 3 Spectator

It doesn't recognize my password anymore. Last email I received was on April 13, 2024. Cant log in on my phone through webmail/Spectrum or on my computer through Outlook. I've had that email address for 25 yrs. What happened all of the sudden?


  • Jaleesa_F
    Jaleesa_F Posts: 376 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Good morning @Sickofpasswords_16

    Welcome to our Community Forums, we are happy to help! There is currently a known issue with Webmail preventing customers from logging in. We understand the convenience and would like to apologize sincerely for the poor experience. We are currently working to restore the email service. However, we have not been provided n ETR. We appreciate your patience as we work towards a resolution.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,107 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @Sickofpasswords_16, welcome to our community! I'm sorry for the trouble with our email.

    I was able to use your community registration to research and find the problem here. It looks like you have multiple accounts with us, and the account which had your roadrunner email was transferred to a new address last year and closed the beginning of this year, and with it your email address. Unfortunately it cannot be recovered.

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 4,755 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    Can you confirm if the email you are trying to access was associated with a previous account?

    If you go to selfcare.rr.com, are you able to see or manage the email?


  • Sickofpasswords_16
    Sickofpasswords_16 Posts: 3 Spectator

    yes it could have been assoiated with another account. I've had that email address for 25+ yrs. I'm I sorry I don't remember. I will try to access through self care after work today.

  • Sickofpasswords_16
    Sickofpasswords_16 Posts: 3 Spectator

    I was able to access my email earlier this week and then yesterday it didn't recognize my password anymore. By phone or my laptop. So whatever happened just happened in the last few days. I check that email regularly. It's the only email I have. So I'm screwed!

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 4,755 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Email is a free service that is associated with an active internet subscription. Once the subscription is cancelled, access to the associated email can be restricted at any time after, but is usually available for another 30-60 days, on average. I am not seeing a roadrunner.com email associated with your current, active account. The only workaround is to transfer the email to another active account prior to when access is restricted. Details are also outline in the Spectrum Terms of Service.

    Our apologies that we cannot assist further with this matter.