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How can I get business website unblocked in Security Shield?

DonTX Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited September 24 in Internet 2024 Archive

This client's website, https://www.bouncepartyconnection.com/, has evidently been blocked by Security Shield for quite some time (weeks). We have submitted multiple unblock requests, and nothing has happened. I resubmitted another one tonight. Although previous scans came back clean, I conducted a new scan using a recommended tool called "Virus Total," and it appears that six security vendors on Virus Total flagged it as malicious. What should I do?

Best Answer

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,133 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi & welcome!

    Security Shield is an extra layer of protection customers can use to protect against websites that might pose a threat through phishing, viruses, malware, or similar. Individual users can disable Security Shield if they feel the website is blocked in error.

    Who.is shows that this domain is not provided by or managed by Spectrum web services. You would need to contact the webserver to address the red flags. Once addressed, you can submit another unblock request.


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