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No ESPN+ On Demand

kyjcyw Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited September 24 in Individual TV Network Apps

We pay for ESPN+ separately from Spectrum. Suddenly, I can no longer pull up any show that is on demand on ESPN+ if it showed on ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN News or ESPNU. I have all these channels in my Spectrum package and have never had a problem pulling up anything on demand on ESPN+ before. In talking to ESPN, they say the block is coming from Spectrum and not them. Spectrum says there is no way they could be blocking anything from a third party app like ESPN+. Anyone else have this problem?

Best Answer

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 835 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello and welcome to the Spectrum Community!

    If you are using an app that is not connected to your Spectrum account meaning you don't use the Spectrum account login to access it then we have no control over it. If you are trying to access the ESPN+ content on your Spectrum TV app/cable box but don't subscribe to ESPN+ from us then you won't have access to the content on the Spectrum TV app/website.


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