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Could not record NFL Playoff Conference Championship game to DVR

sprill Posts: 38 Contributor

This post is primarily informational in case others have this issue before Spectrum comes up with a fix for it.

I was watching the NFL Chiefs vs Bills game on Sunday. I decided I would record it to my Spectrum DVR to finish watching it in the morning. When I selected record I got an STAM-3204 error with some cryptic message that I don't remember. I could record the show that was after the game on the same channel and could record from any other channel but just not this game. I did all the usual stuff like unplugging the DVR etc before calling for support. Spent about an hour on the phone with support. He did the usual stuff as he ran thru his list. Before opening a ticket, which was the next item on his list, he checked with his colleagues, superiors, and others because they said this should be working. No one had an answer. As a last resort he created a ticket which I said was useless because once the game was over it did not matter. He said it was his only option.

I heard from support two days later and found that the NFL blocked the game from being recorded. She said many others also called support about this issue. I asked why no one at Spectrum was aware of this when I called support and she did not have an answer. I told her that it would have been nice if my orginal error told me that this program was blocked or something along those lines. She said she would suggest changes, to let customers know that something cannot be recorded, at an upcoming meeting.

As a side note - I tried to record by pressing the record button while watching the show and also from the mini guide which is the way I do it 100% of the time. Each time I received the STAM-3204 error. While I was waiting for support I tried to record by going into MENU on the remote and selecting the game from the menu. The red light went on on the DVR which usually means it is recording but when I went into MY DVR it did not show anything recording and when I checked in the morning there was nothing listed in recordings.


  • Jilliana_M
    Jilliana_M Posts: 97 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hey there! Thank you so much for reaching out and brining this to our attention. We apologize for the experience you've had when calling in for information. I can personally understand the frustrations with the recording feature not being available for one of the most important games of the season. I can confirm that the network has the ability to determine, what shows can and can't be recorded and this, unfortunately, was one of those instances. The STAM-3204 error message that you resolved, was indicating that recording was not available for this program. I commend you on taking the proper steps when troubleshooting and had the circumstance been a little different, that would have resolved the issue, but this was merely a network decision, that we were unable to go against.