What DVR options are there for Spectrum TV?

GWGuen Posts: 3 Spectator
edited January 16 in TV Equipment

We've had Spectrum TV service for a few months now and we like most of the features available for the service but we HATE the DVR. It's very slow to respond and only has the most basic features. The last time we had Spectrum service we used TiVos as our DVRs but Spectrum got rid of the M cards that allowed us to use those great DVRs.

So, now we're stuck with the DVR we got from our local store and it's barely tolerable. Are there other DVRs that can be used with Spectrum TV? If not, then I don't see us staying on as Spectrum customers for much longer. My wife and son refuse to use the Spectrum DVR. We still have DirecTV Stream and they both love that DVR (which isn't as good as the TiVo but is light years ahead of our Spectrum DVR). We're not going to continue to pay for 2 TVs services so if I can't find a better DVR for Spectrum then we'll be dropping Spectrum and continuing with DirecTV Stream.

I've considered switching to Xumo but I've been told that we CAN'T switch to them because we only have Spectrum TV service. We have Fiber Internet service with AT&T and we won't be changing that so, from what I've been told, we can't switch to Xumo.

In case it matters, I've reset the DVR box MANY times. Sometimes it helps but most of the time it has no effect these days. I've changed the batteries in the 2 remotes that we have for it, too, but that hasn't helped with them. If there are any other suggestions for the current DVR or remotes then I'll certainly try them.

If there aren't any other options for us then we'll be leaving Spectrum again at the end of this month.



Best Answer

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 704 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello! I do apologize for the poor experience with the DVR boxes. The only other option for DVR would be the cloud DVR service through the app. You would be able to set and watch DVR'd programs on the app. Generally this is an alternative to having a box altogether as the app can be used on many different devices. A list of those devices can be found here.

    Another option would be to swap the box you have at the local office for a new one as it could be an issue with the box itself if a reset does not help with any issues you are having.


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