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When watching HGTV shows On Demand, MTV's "Jersey Shore" will start showing. How to resolve?

DSoz Posts: 6 Participant
edited July 2024 in Watch TV 2024 Archive

Need help with random programming suddenly playing when watching another show On Demand.


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,785 Contributor

    Welcome to the Community, DSoz!

    Some questions:

    1.) How are you searching for HGTV? Is this through the Time Grid, or search keyboard?

    2.) How long has this been happening?

    3.) What is the make/model of your cable box if known?

    4.) Can you post a screenshot of your guide as it relates to the results in searching for this show?

    Early suspicions might be a program database listing error. If this is the case, there isn't really anything you can do except report the error, and wait for a possible search database update. The good news would be that it's probably not an equipment or box issue.


  • DSoz
    DSoz Posts: 6 Participant

    I use the ON Demand button on the cable box remote. I select Networks from the displayed menu, scroll to HGTV & select, and then scroll to the show I want to watch and select it.. While watching the show, anywhere from 10 - 30 minutes of watching, another show, MTV's "Jersey Shore", starts playing. It has been happening the last 2 weeks.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,785 Contributor
    edited March 2024

    Thanks for the updates!

    This is helpful because other customers and moderators can test this on their own boxes. Some follow up questions:

    1.) Does this happen with any show On Demand in the HGTV library?

    2.) That 10-30 minute interval is interesting. Does the screen go black at that time and than MTV's "Jersey Shore" starts playing? Or does a commercial play during this 10-30 minute interval and than "Jersey Shore" starts playing, or is this also random behavior?

    3.) If you go to On Demand "My Library" or "In Progress" if you have the older guide, do you see progress bars for both the request On Demand show you want to watch, and the interrupted with "Jersey Shore" show? One show? (Which one) is showing up in Progress List or My Library? Or none of them?


  • DSoz
    DSoz Posts: 6 Participant

    1. It has happened when watching other shows/networks.

    2. I think it happens during commercials - no screen changes (other show just starts playing).

    3. The show I want to watch is listed as "In Progress" and the time remaining reflects how far I was when "interruption" happened. "Jersey Shore" does NOT show as In Progress.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,785 Contributor

    Very helpful!

    I would recommend that Spectrum staffers and other users test this.


  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 857 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @DSoz

    I'm sorry to hear about the issues watching On Demand. I wasn't able to duplicate the issue on my end, but with there being so many HGTV shows, I may not have been watching a show that you were. Can you give me an example of the show, season, and episode number of one of the ones this happened to you on?

  • Chicagogirl
    Chicagogirl Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm having the same issue.

    I'm watching HGTV Celebrity IOU season 7 episode 7. Mid through it changes into MTV Jersey Shore.

  • DSoz
    DSoz Posts: 6 Participant

    Happened again this morning. Watching latest episode of HGTV's "House Hunters" and 16-17 minutes in, "Jersey Shore" starts playing during commercial break.

    This time, I "rewound" to before problem began, stopped the show & watched regular live programming. Went back into On Demand, selected Networks & HGTV and resumed the episode from there. Program played all the way thru without "Jersey Shore" breaking in.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,785 Contributor


    Those leaving feedback on this issue, should be sure to provide information regarding the name of the On Demand Series and the episode number that you are watching on which programing is auto switching to MTV Jersey Shore.


  • beersjb01
    beersjb01 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same thing has been happening to me on HGTV and Food Network on demand. Starts playing then gets 1 or 2 commercial stops into whatever episode I am watching (it's not 1 specific show it is all of them) and during the commercial break it starts playing Jersey Shore. It seems we pay a high price for a service the provider doesn't care about.

  • DSoz
    DSoz Posts: 6 Participant

    It's continuing to happen to me every day. Mainly I will watch various HGTV shows On Demand & it seems to happen on most of them. Obviously, there is a bug in Spectrum's system that is causing this. My assumption is that by reporting the issue here, Spectrum is notified of this issue. Or should we be calling Spectrum directly?

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,785 Contributor


    Everything here gets escalated to the right department. Unfortunately, those in said departments are not customer-facing, which is the case of most big businesses. It's not necessary to "double" a problem or issue to another Spectrum Social Media outlet if that problem is reported here.

    A Moderator should change the title of this thread to "Some On Demand Channels Switching to MTV's "Jersey Shore" After Commercial Breaks." because it's not just HGTV On Demand doing this, it is Food Network On Demand as well.


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,785 Contributor

    Huge Tip,

    Remember that since there are thousands of On Demand Programs and hundreds of On Demand Channels, give the following when reporting the instance of an On Demand Program going to MTV Jersey Shore after breaks or commercials. Spectrum needs to know:

    1.) The On Demand Network on which this happening?

    2.) The title of the show on which this is happening?

    3.) The Series number and/or episode number on which this occurs?

    These steps are the best way to test!

    Since this topic is in the Community Support Forum that is proof that Spectrum knows about this, and is now collecting data on this topic. But all further replies should answer the above three questions.


  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,336 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Unfortunately I haven't been able to recreate this issue with any of the mentioned episodes. If you rewind does it switch back to Jersey shore at the exact same time? Has everyone tried rebooting cable receivers, and does anyone with the issue have a second receiver that can confirm if it has the same behavior?

  • burntumber
    burntumber Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Just watched two of the latest House Hunters International and both switched to Jersey Shore after the commercial breaks on each show. This has happened before.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,785 Contributor


    You should follow @William_M 's suggestion if you are having any issues with HGTV On Demand shows, switching to MTV's "Jersey Shore" after commercials. That is. reboot your receivers. Than, try a re-watch and see if the issue reoccurs. Post if this process fixes this issue or not.

    If it does not fix the issue, post back with your city, state, and zip code.


  • DSoz
    DSoz Posts: 6 Participant

    After rebooting my cable boxes numerous times over 2-3 weeks, it wasn't until I called Spectrum Customer Service & had my boxes rebooted with them on the phone that my issue with "Jersey Shore" breaking in got resolved. I can only conclude that they were able to "push out" an update that simply rebooting wasn't providing.

This discussion has been closed.