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How to setup Spectrum email to work with the NEW Outlook (password needed)



  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same problem. Any solutions yet?

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same exact problem…we need a solution!

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    My email is still from former Time Warner Cable as and also has stopped syncing with Windows Outlook. Last email was from Jan 31. Home Win 10 desktop does not sync and neither does HP Win 10 laptop both through Outlook mail. However, mail is still syncing with Apple mail app on iPhone and iPad. Definitely a recent disconnect with login credentials between Spectrum and Windows. Could be an SSL certificate but had similar problems with AOL blocking third party mail apps syncing without submitting AOL created secondary passwords. No solution yet.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited February 16

    I am having the same problem, could not resolve through spectrum or Microsoft tech support.

    Will just have to wait for a update, I did go back to outlook classic and it works fine

    I did try app password that didnt work

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Have spent HOURS trying to get my husband's charter (spectrum) email re-set up on the new outlook. Messaged with spectrum, microsoft took a report from our computer but no solutions.

  • Posts: 961 Contributor

    For whatever it's worth to whomever it may be worth anything to, "app passwords" are only applicable when both an app and a service/account both support app passwords. 𝜇soft and Google's guidance on the matter are more specifically related to their own services/accounts and less specifically related to any apps in particular, and i only ever cited their guidance on the matter to give people an idea of all of that, which may have been a bad move on my part.

    "New Outlook" doesn't support POP and I don't think Spectrum IMAP supports app passwords so, if you get popup from "new Outlook" saying "You may need an app password" and you think it's about Spectrum IMAP, click on the Troubleshooting soft button and share any potentially important details you can scare up if you've a mind to.

  • Posts: 8 Participant

    I can't believe out of all the entries into this forum for the exact same issue, Spectrum Support does not have a solution. The link to setting up Outlook does not have instructions for New Outlook for Windows. 😡

  • Posts: 5,204 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited February 18

    @CaptainRon -

    If you are able to access email using Webmail, then our email is working as intended.

    The issue identified is with Microsoft Outlook and we have no control over this third party email client, any fix will need to come from Microsoft. Others have reported that reinstalling a backward compatible previous version of Outlook has been a functional workaround.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    New Outlook evidently requires an app password through my internet provider - that's what it is telling me. I have changed nothing - my regular password works fine on webmail. I am now forced to forward all my mail through a gmail account. I see that Spectrum is pointing to MS and MS is pointing to spectrum about this - who is responsible and how do I get an Outlook app password?

  • Posts: 4 Spectator
    edited February 16

    I was unable to switch back to Classic Outlook per the attached, but to answer Edward T., I was able to create, open, and use my email account in the new Outlook without an app password, so why would I need one for the Roadrunner account?

    I never use my account. I have had my Roadrunner account since December 2000, so basically EVERYONE knows it. It would be a major hardship to switch to another account, but if I did, it wouldn't be… probably gmail.

  • Posts: 8 Participant

    James_M, I was able to connect by using the Classic Outlook instead of the New Outlook. It accepted the password that the New Outlook kept rejecting. Thank You for the solution provided.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same problem here- stopped receiving e-mail in Outlook around 2/4 (can't send or receive). Kind of a hassle to have to log in & to view or send new e-mails. I have reached out to both parties to no avail.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited February 16

    Have the same problem. Fixed this by choosing "POP" account.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator
    edited February 13

    The new Outlook for Windows(not Microsoft Office Outlook) has not worked properly with Spectrum mail since it was rolled out. There is obviously a disconnect in communications between the software and the mail servers. It seems that there are enough Spectrum customers that use the Microsoft mail client that the two companies could at least communicate to determine the issue. When I first tried the New Outlook many months ago I could receive mail but the mail I would compose would go directly to the drafts folder. I tried all sorts of things to try to get that straightened up but finally gave up. Now when I open the New Outlook I get an access denied notice and have to reenter my Spectrum password to gain access. For some reason the last email shown is from over a week ago. Trying to Sync does nothing. I wish someone at Spectrum that has a consumer Spectrum email and a personal Windows computer would investigate this as a basic member of the public at large.

  • Posts: 5,204 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    Are you able to access email on Spectrum Webmail?

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same problem. I seem to have lots of company. We're all being batted back and forth between Microsoft and Spectrum. Can someone at these two companies please take the initiative and work together to solve it? Individual users have tried all the limited options we have and none work. It needs to come in a behind the scenes update like most fixes happen today.

  • Posts: 5,204 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited February 18


    If you are able to access email using Webmail, then our email is working as intended.

    The issue identified is with Microsoft Outlook and we have no control over this third party email client, any fix will need to come from Microsoft. Others have reported that reinstalling a backward compatible previous version of Outlook has been a functional workaround.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator
    edited February 14


    Yes I have no problem with accessing spectrum email through a web browser and on my IPhone. Windows mail was no issue on my PC prior to Microsoft rolling out the New Outlook to replace Windows mail. There is obviously a communication requirement that Spectrum mail servers need that the New Outlook isn't providing. Someone should be able to figure that out.

    With regards to your comment to @sq_2025, Microsoft is starting to prevent going back to the previous functioning Windows Mail program. I understand Spectrum has no control over 3rd party mail clients but this one has a large enough user base that a little behind the scenes insight would be a great help.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited February 14

    I've been having the same problem. I've been using New Outlook for months with no issues and then suddenly about four or five days ago it just stopped working. Noticed one morning that I hadn't received any emails, nor could I send any, and found that the app was basically dead. This is on the PC. Trying to re-sign in with my password results in an error message and there doesn't seem to be any work around. It seems that the issue is with the authentication process on Outlook's end. Of course I tried cancelling the app and re-loading and this only resulted in me being completely locked out of my emails, including my old ones. This is a nightmare and seems to be an Outlook issue as I am receiving emails on my phone no problem (Samsung app, not Outlook). One thing I know is there doesn't seem to be any hurry to fix it. I'm about ready to go for a Mac.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited February 16

    I am not sure if this is a great solution, but it did work. I agree xxstruxx stated to choose "POP" and it worked for me as well - good luck

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same here. I have not been able to receive or send e-mails on my Windows 10 Desktop since January 25, 2025. No problems with my New Outlook email up to that time. I have checked everything, the internet is fine, all systems are fine. I called Spectrum and first was told that Spectrum no longer supports Microsoft Outlook. I called again and the lady was very nice but didn't know anything about an app password either. At that time, I was still able to view old emails and contacts on Outlook but couldn't send or receive new emails. Then I made the mistake of calling Best Buy Geek Squad and they checked out several things and tried to reset my original email settings. Unfortunately, my password was deleted. I've had this account so long and I no longer know what the password was. Now I have no access to my Outlook email at all. When I do try to sign in and change the password, it says I need an app password from my provider, Spectrum. I feel like I am jumping through hoops and going in circles to no avail. Can't someone help? I really need to access my Outlook emails. I can view Spectrum webmail but none of my contacts are there, so it makes sending email tedious when you have to look up email address for everyone especially on larger email lists. I was told that Spectrum doesn't have the ability to transfer our contacts on Outlook to Spectrum webmail. I was also told that Spectrum prefers their customers to use their webmail rather than Microsoft Outlook. This very well could be the main issue. I would appreciate anything that anyone can do to fix this situation.

  • Posts: 6 Participant

    This is infuriating, I have been trying to find a workaround for days with zero success. The only options are either revert to classic Outlook which still works fine, use webmail for Spectrum, or use a totally different email client. I am trying EM Client which seems to be working fine. FYI: can't use my Outlook account on the web as that no longer supports adding any IMAP accounts

  • Posts: 6 Participant
    edited February 16

    I also tried the POP account option which worked, for 1 day. Then that stopped syncing as well. There's no fix unless/until Microsoft updates whatever the problem is on their end. Until that happens, which may be never I am switching to EM Client, tried it out today and it works fine both on desktop running the latest version of Windows 11 and Android on a Samsung phone

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited February 16

    Have the same problem and I have been searching on where to find the app password for Charter email so I can connect to Outlook. If anyone has discovered how to get an app password please let us all know. Lots of updates installed lately and I am wondering if those updates have played a role in not being able to connect to Outlook.

  • Posts: 5 Spectator
    edited February 16

    Same here worked for 2 days then nothing. Microsoft problem that needs to be fixed

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited February 16

    I've had the same issue with (new)Outlook and my iphone. I'm using a valid password for my spectrum account but receive messages indicating the password is incorrect. My windows laptop is less than a year old and has been working fine till February which is when it seems that most of us are encountering this issue. I also noticed that I have one single password for spectrum account and webmail. I found that my laptop still had the legacy outlook app and I didn't even have to configure it, it's working with my spectrum email - I will definitely not be messing with that account or any passwords till this problem gets resolved.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    New Outlook stopped getting spectrum e-mails yesterday

    I seen a post about using POP instead of IMAP I tried this in it works again by setting up with POP


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