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How to setup Spectrum email to work with the NEW Outlook (password needed)



  • dpsitemgr
    dpsitemgr Posts: 3 Spectator

    As the song goes, "I'm not the only one"… I began not receiving / sending email via the above circa Feb 1, 2025 and I've made repeated calls / texts (via Spectrum Help/Support) on several occasions since. Is anyone listing to us??? There have been (2) MS Updates since that date and I am hesitant to perform "rollback" unless I am backed into a wall…

  • 24RBW
    24RBW Posts: 8 Participant

    I'm curious. How and where do you change the setting from IMAP to POP? I can't find where to do that anywhere. Are you completely deleting your account and starting all over? I read if you do that, you lose all your old emails. Thanks for your help.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,859 Contributor
    edited February 19

    Since this is an issue with the new Microsoft Outlook on Windows 10/11,

    I would suggest creating a topic about this in the Windows Feedback Hub app. Identify the topic as "I am a Spectrum Internet Subscriber and New Outlook Won't Let me Set up Email" Make that your comment, and fill out any optional information, indicating a problem with New Outlook. That information goes to the Microsoft Developers of Outlook directly. If you can't find the Feedback Hub on your PC, type "Feedback Hub" in the search box. (no quotes) You will need to log into your Microsoft Account if you are using the app for the first time.


  • 24RBW
    24RBW Posts: 8 Participant

    Could others having this problem use the Windows Feedback Hub to report this. I don't have a Microsoft Account. Below I copied and pasted what someone had wrote explaining very well what is going on. You could just copy and paste this as well.

    It was suggested to me that I ask this question here. I have been trying to sync my Spectrum-charter email with the New Outlook. I was having no issues until about 2 weeks ago when I could not receive my emails from Outlook. With contacting both Spectrum and Microsoft I have gotten nowhere with this issue. Microsoft says I need an app password. Spectrum says they do not have an app password. The only password I can use from Spectrum is the one I created to open my email. I can sync my email to my I phone, but not to Outlook. When I chatted with Microsoft tech, they said an engineer was working on the problem. Still no solution. I have checked with Microsoft communities and it seems like this issue is widespread. My question is are you aware of the problem with the app password issue and how can it be resolved?

  • 24RBW
    24RBW Posts: 8 Participant

    Thank you HT_Greenfield. I thought you had to sign in to leave feedback. I have left that feedback. Now, let's everyone else do the same. We have to let Microsoft know that this has gone on too long. It needs to be fixed.

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  • rkindt
    rkindt Posts: 2 Spectator

    MS Support fixed it? How exactly? What Microsoft settings are you referring to?

  • mniepow
    mniepow Posts: 4 Spectator

    Good question. And if the fix can be verified, it would be nice if Spectrum would notify all users, so they can get back in. Or Microsoft could fix it on their end. My Roadrunner email stopped working (in Outlook-New) about a month ago. I spent a week trying to get it working, calling Spectrum support several times, to no avail. I finally stumbled on this forum and realized there are many others in the same boat. Oddly, I was able to create an account with my Spectrum.net email (which I had never used), but now THAT stopped working too.

    I did manage to switch my Roadrunner account over to Outlook Classic - and it worked - but unfortunately, I don't have a paid Microsoft 365 account, so all I can do is read incoming emails. I can't reply, send, or even flag emails. For that, I have to use webmail, which is lame.

    Here is one tidbit that users (and Spectrum) may find interesting: Spectrum says you should use 587 as the outgoing server port, but when I created the Spectrum.net account, Outlook used port 465, which worked, until a few days ago… for what that's worth. Now nothing works. See attached error message that I get when I enter my password in the "You need to sign in" box.

    A little help would be much appreciated.

  • 24RBW
    24RBW Posts: 8 Participant

    What's baffling to me is for a year Microsoft said Outlook Classic is going away. Forced me to go to NEW OUTLOOK. Now I'm reading that you should go back you Outlook Classic. Well, why did Microsoft force me to leave in the first place? One other thing I read is change the setting from IMAP to POP. When clicking on manage account, it doesn't allow me to do that. Please, Spectrum. Get your IT guys to work with Microsoft IT guys and fix this ongoing issue affecting many of your loyal customers.

  • Edward_T
    Edward_T Posts: 155 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello @24RBW;

    We do not configure our mail servers to work with any specific apps or services. We use standard IMAP and POP access to our servers. At this time we are not able to make any changes to specifically to work with Outlook. I would recommend you reach out to Microsoft for any suggestions on how to allow the mail to work on the new Outlook.

  • Marginal
    Marginal Posts: 2 Spectator

    @ Edward T, I am yet another person who is having the same problem with roadrunner email and the new Outlook, It seems like you and the other employee monitors just keep saying - ask Microsoft, it's not Spectrum's problem. Yes. Yes it is Spectrum's problem. That is different than saying it is Spectrum's fault. Many of us in this forum have suggested that it might make good business sense, and be good customer relations, for Spectrum and Microsoft to figure this out. You can't do that? You don't want to do that? Wouldn't it make sense to have some tech guys figure it out than each of us dumb customers to experiment for hours with suggested fixes? I use Outlook for my and my husband's roadrunner accounts, a work email, and a gmail account. The other email accounts are working fine with the new Outlook. Roadrunner stopped syncing for me on Outlook mid February and for my husband's today, 3/5. What is with the time differential? One of the reasons we've kept Spectrum through all the years and all the mergers was the pain it would be to lose our roadrunner emails. If this can't get fixed, and we use roadrunner less and less, then one of the reasons we stick with Spectrum is gone. So yes, it is Spectrum's problem, and we hope it has the good business sense to figure it out.

  • Edward_T
    Edward_T Posts: 155 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello @Marginal;

    We do directly support email programs besides providing settings to use on the programs. The app password is a new feature for Outlook that we do not use. Many people have found success with using POP or Outlook Classic for the email. You can also use our webmail to access the email. You can speak with Microsoft to request them to disable this feature in Outlook.

  • Unknown
    edited March 6
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  • Unknown
    edited March 6
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  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,859 Contributor

    Good Morning!

    Why can't you just bookmark and use the Spectrum Webmail page until this gets fixed permanently?



  • rkindt
    rkindt Posts: 2 Spectator


    It appears from your comment that Spectrum has discovered that New Outlook introduced a new feature that has impacted your Spectrum customers, preventing us from using New Outlook. It would therefore make sense that Spectrum make this request to Microsoft to resolve this App Password 'feature'! Not users that lack the diagnosnic details that you obviously have. Staying with Classic Outlook is working for me BTY, but I would like to be confident that this eventually gets resolved since Classic Outlook will eventually be phased out, or worst also stop working.

    Or perhaps Spectrum has already made this request to Microsoft and something more is going on?

  • Marginal
    Marginal Posts: 2 Spectator

    Satch, thanks for the suggestion. Of course, that is exactly what we are already doing: Logging in separately from outlook to Spectrum webmail. That is all we can do if we want to access roadrunner email

  • Charspecbob
    Charspecbob Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi all, I lost charter mail early last month (February) after a New Outlook weekly update they pass to us so I checked credentials, all fine, then deleted charter account from New Outlook and tried to reinstall, just got the dreaded you need a password rubbish. I downloaded Thunderbird email app and installed outlook account and charter account, both installed fine then sent emails from account to account and all send and receives worked so the problem with emails the last few weeks is yet another buggy update from Microsoft. No doubt sometime in the future they will admit they got it wrong…again…or just keep blaming Charter for their error.

  • Ratwrangler
    Ratwrangler Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I had set up two Spectrum email accounts in the new Outlook at the beginning of this year as IMAP, but as of March 1st, both stopped working. I wrote to Microsoft, but received no reply. I confirmed that the IMAP server settings were still correct, and was able to reach both accounts via webmail. I switched both to POP accounts and they worked well enough until March 5th, when both stopped receiving new mail, and I could not send from either account. Microsoft said the problem was on Spectrum's end, whereas Spectrum said the problem was with Outlook. I tried to set up the accounts using IMAP protocol on Thunderbird and on Spark third-party email handlers, and was unable to connect to Spectrum from either one. This tells me that the problem is not entirely the fault of Outlook. Spectrum tech support has been unable to do anything but provide the same basic information I already had.

  • jr_007
    jr_007 Posts: 2 Spectator

    Spectrum should stop saying it is microsoft. Thunderbird quit working too. i can receive emails, just not send them. It is Spectrums SMTP server. only way to send email now is to use Spectrums REALLY, REALLY, slow webmail. please resolve this Spectrum

  • jr_007
    jr_007 Posts: 2 Spectator

    EM Client doesnt work either. SMTP server is blocking from all 3rd party clients. i cant even setup outlook anymore either. truly a shame that Charter continues to take care of their shareholders and leave the ones paying out to pasture.

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,378 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited March 9

    Hi @Ratwrangler and @jr_007, welcome to our community!

    Other users here have indicated Thunderbird is working for them, so it's possible y'all have a different problem. If webmail is very slow there may be an issue with your internet connection, I've also seen an issue where if a user has thousands of emails it can cause things to get slow. Do you get good speed test results? Make sure you are using IMAP with the mail server set to "mail.twc.com", with incoming port 993 and outgoing 587. I would also recommend changing your password, removing the account from your mail client, then setting it back up from scratch with the new password.

  • Unknown
    edited March 10
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