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Explore SpectrumTV.com

SpectrumTV.com is an online platform that lets Spectrum TV customers use a web browser to view live programming, TV Guide listings and On Demand content.
Live TV
Select Live at the top of the screen and choose a title. While watching live programming, you can:
- Adjust the volume.
- View program information.
- Watch the program in full-screen mode.
- Manage your Closed Captioning (CC), SAP and DVS settings.
- Change the font style, color and background display for Closed Captions.
- Click anywhere on the video screen to view a full list of channels and sort or filter for specific programming.
- Restart some live programs.
Select Guide at the top of the screen to browse available TV listings. The SpectrumTV.com Guide offers many of the same options as your Spectrum Receiver.
Select a program to watch it live or save it to watch later. You can also:
- Show programs by All Channels, Favorites, HD, On PC or Subscribed. The Guide will default to only showing the channels you’re currently subscribed to.
- Choose the Heart icon to the left of a network name to mark it as a Favorite. The icon will turn white when selected.
- View upcoming channel listings by air date and time. Select the Calendar icon to choose a date and then use the arrows to scroll through the channel schedule.
- Enter a specific channel or network in the Jump to Channel search field.
My Library
Your Library shows you a list of your recently watched programs, as well as programs you've added to your Watchlist. Select a recently watched program for additional information and other ways to watch.
You can also save On Demand content to your Watchlist to view at another time. You can access your Watchlist from any device associated with your account.
To add programs to your Watchlist:
- Choose a program from the Guide.
- Select Watchlist on the program information screen.
To remove programs from your Watchlist:
- Select My Library at the top of the screen to view saved programs.
- Scroll to Watchlist and then select the programs you want to remove. You can also select Remove on the program's information page.
On Demand
Select On Demand at the top of the screen and browse for last night's shows, featured shows, newly added titles, and more. Select an On Demand title and then:
- Choose Watch On Demand to watch On Demand now.
- Choose Watch Live if the program is currently on Live TV.
- Add the program to your Watchlist.
- If you choose a TV Show to watch On Demand, you can also view a full list of available episodes, as well as upcoming episode air dates.
To find a specific TV show or Movie:
- Select the Magnifying Glass icon at the top of the screen.
- Enter a person's name, sports program, movie title, etc. to display a list of available programming.
- Choose a title or person from the list of search results
Rotten Tomatoes Critic Ratings
To view a movie’s Rotten Tomatoes critic rating on SpectrumTV.com:
- Select the On Demand tab.
- Choose a movie.
- View the Rotten Tomatoes rating (%).
Global Devices
Global Devices lets you connect to any receiver or DVR registered to your account. Select from the devices listed under Global Devices found in Settings to send programming to a specific receiver.
While watching Live TV or On Demand content on SpectrumTV.com, you can also use Chromecast to send the video to your TV:
- Make sure that your Chromecast and your computer are both connected to your WiFi network.
- Open SpectrumTV.com in your browser and begin watching your desired content.
- Select the Cast button, and then choose the Chromecast device you'd like to cast to.
- When you're connected, the Cast button will change color.
To stop casting, select the Cast button again and choose Disconnect.
For more information, visit Chromecast Support.