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DVR Skipping Forward

Is there a way to skip forward other than fast forward? For example if I have a 4 hour sporting event and I want to skip to the last hour, it takes quite a while using the 60x fast forward. The last DVR I used would skip a large chunk of time if you held the fastt forward down to several seconds.
Best Answer
@eznoh wrote:Fast forward works, it's skip 15 minutes or so that does not. From what I've read none of the Spectrum DVRs have that function. This morning I wanted to watch the last hour of a tennis recording, it took me what seemed like forever to get out there. What a pain!
Hi Mike,
Boxes that run the new Spectrum Guide don't have 15 minute jump ahead. Honestly, if your box is working OK, I would hold on to it, because you never know what you are going to get in a swap or an exhange.
I would PM your account information to a forum moderator referring them to this thread and ask them to send specific feedback to the Spectrum Guide Development team that you want the 15-minute fast forward jump ahead feature added to the new Spectrum Guide like ODN has, where you hold down the fast-forward button on the playback of a recorded show and the show jumps 15 minutes ahead.
Another tip. If Spectrum gets at least three people to report a bug or request a feature, that issue is moved up in its priority status. So if any of you on the forum run the Spectrum Guide on your cable boxes and you are interested in the adding of 15-minute Fast-Forward jump ahead let Spectrum know You can send feedback to our head forum leaders, @Julia_R or @James_M and they will forward requests for new features to the CATV guide software development team. Feedback is very helpful and important.
Troubleshooting issues though are best handed by contacting @Ask Spectrum on Twitter. (Follow that page to get updates) or by Calling Spectrum Customer Care.
@eznoh wrote:Is there a way to skip forward other than fast forward? For example if I have a 4 hour sporting event and I want to skip to the last hour, it takes quite a while using the 60x fast forward. The last DVR I used would skip a large chunk of time if you held the fastt forward down to several seconds.
Hi Mike,
This often depends on the guide that you have on your box. See here for guide types:
Most people have the Spectrum Guide, (first shown at link) or the ODN Navigator Guide. If you have a World Box (No clock) you most likely have the Spectrum Guide. If you have a box with a clock, you most likely have the ODN Navigator Guide.
I have the ODN Navigator Guide, so I can give you tips for working with DVR Fast Forward using the remote control with that guide:
When watching a DVR recorded show, press the Fast-forward arrow twice to go 2x faster. Press three times to go 3x faster, and four times to go 4x faster.
Press and hold the right arrow key when playing back a DVR recorded show to jump ahead in 15 minute intervals. See if this works on your guide. If you have Spectrum Guide, other forum members might be able to provide similar functionality tips.
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The right arrow key just does fast forward.
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@eznoh wrote:The right arrow key just does fast forward.
Hi Mike,
Found this article here at Spectrum Support:
Apparently with Spectrum Guide you should be able to increase Fast-Forward speed, by repeatedly pressing the fast-forward key on your remote. (Scroll down at URL link to "Playback Controls" both common remotes are shown at this link: )
You might not be able to fast-forward all On Demand content as the station owners often mandate that viewers must watch the commercials as a condition to carry the On Demand content.
Only PREMIUM on Demand. (Must subscribe to a commercial free premium movie channel package) will give you full Fast-Forward functionality.
It appears that only ODN Navigator Guide and not the newer Spectrum Guide has the 15-minute jump ahead feature.
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The fast forward does not work. Hopefully it can be added?
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@eznoh wrote:The fast forward does not work. Hopefully it can be added?
Hi Mike,
Just out of curiosity, have you rebooted your box? Sometimes that gets things working again. If that doesn't fix this, or the problem comes back, you have some options:
I am assuming that you have the World Box with no clock and the new Spectrum Guide. The new World Box has the newer remote that comes with it. Here are your options:
1.) Take your remote to a Spectrum Store and swap it out for the older (and better) Clickr Backlite Remote Control.
2.) Google Search the model number of your Remote Control when you get home with the inquiry program your (Model Name) Remote control, to find and enter the code that will control the Volume and On/Off functions of your TV.
3.) DVR a show completely. Now play it back.
4.) Can you fast forward through the show using the right-arrow key on the OLD remote?
5.) If you can't, you will need to swap out your cable box for a box with a clock. I would call Spectrum and say that you need to swap out your box because the Fast-Forward control on your remote isn't working, and you tried a different model remote with the same results. Request a truck roll to avoid ANOTHER trip to a Spectrum Store. Tell the tech you need a box with a clock.
6.) Unfortunately, the clock boxes now only have two tuners instead of four tuners, but many customers like the older ODN Navigator Guide better and you will also have the better fast forward functionality. Have your tech record something, and test fast-forward with the remote on the swapped box to make sure that it works.
7.) You can go to Twitter's @Ask Spectrum Page and follow that account and request feedback about adding more fast-forward functionality to the new World Boxes and Spectrum Guide. But I would not hold my breathe waiting for that features. Features are often added based on popularity feedback and the ability to program them into the software. This could take months, years, or not at all to get this feature.
I would recommend a tech visit to check out your fast-forward not working . Please keep us posted!
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Fast forward works, it's skip 15 minutes or so that does not. From what I've read none of the Spectrum DVRs have that function. This morning I wanted to watch the last hour of a tennis recording, it took me what seemed like forever to get out there. What a pain!