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how to record on DVR cloud when show has already started

I just got Spectrum Choice on Roku. I can't figure out how to record a show while I am watching it. Say, if I have to walk the dog, I would like to record  the program and finish watching later.  Or maybe I would like to record the series. If I go into the guide and click on the show, it just goes back to the program. Where is the option to record? Thanks

Best Answer

  • KibbyRose
    KibbyRose Posts: 4
    Answer ✓

    I accidently figured out the answer.  While watching the show, press the down arrow twice and the option to record will appear.


  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,182 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    I've included a link to How to Record and View Programs on Cloud DVR that you might find helpful.  I also included a link to Cloud DVR FAQ's


    For direct assistance,  please contact us at: 


  • That was the first place I looked. It does not answer my question. I know how to record a program that will show in the future. I would like to know if it is possible to start a recording when the show is currently playing.  When I go to the guide and find the show, if I click on it, it only goes back to the show. There is no option to record.  Any help would be appreciated.

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