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Why is my Spectrum Internet intermittent, slow or drops? Internet and WiFi Speeds Troubleshooting

We put together this post to outline troubleshooting steps to resolve internet issues including intermittent and slow speeds as well as details to include when asking the Community for assistance. This post is closed to comments, if you need assistance, please Ask a Question.
What is internet speed?
Internet speed refers to the rate of transferring data and is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Your internet speed affects both the rate at which your computer can use the internet to receive information (also known as download speed) and to send information (also known as upload speed).
Maximizing Your Internet and WiFi Speeds
Several factors can affect your internet performance, including the location of your WiFi router, the number of people using your connection at the same time, your device's hardware and software, and any applications running in the background on your device.
What internet speed is required for your activities?
Recommended internet speeds for third-party products and services depend on the type and number of devices you're using. We recommend the following speeds for common online services and activities:
Download Speed
- 1-6 Mbps for video conferencing
- 3-4 Mbps for smart home devices
- 4-10 Mbps for online gaming
- 5-15 Mbps for streaming video
Upload Speed
- 1-6 Mbps for video conferencing
- 3-4 Mbps for smart home devices
- 5-8 Mbps for posting videos
Factors Affecting Internet Performance
Consider the following:
- File-Sharing Programs: File-sharing programs like BitTorrent use huge amounts of data, which can lead to slow connection speeds.
- Viruses/Adware/Malware: Download Security Suite to check your computer for harmful software.
- Firewalls: A firewall monitors all network traffic on your computer, so a strict firewall can lead to slow internet speeds. Try resetting your firewall to its default settings.
- Power Outage: Find out if there's an outage in your area.
- System Memory (RAM): Close any programs not in use to increase your computer’s performance. You may also consider upgrading your computer’s RAM.
- Make sure you’re using the latest version of your browser.
- Make sure to disconnect any devices not in use (i.e., iPad, mobile, etc.).
- Make sure your system meets the following minimum requirements:
- PC Minimum Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 8 or later
- Network Capability:
- WiFi requires an 802.11 N router for speeds up to 300 Mbps. Speeds higher than 300 Mbps require an 802.11 AC router.
- 1,000 Mbps (1 Gbps) full duplex Network Interface Card (NIC).
- Mac Minimum Requirements
- Operating system: OS X 10.6 or a later version of macOS
- Network Capability:
- WiFi requires an 802.11 N router for speeds up to 300 Mbps. Speeds higher than 300 Mbps require an 802.11 AC router.
- 1,000 Mbps (1 Gbps) full duplex Network Interface Card (NIC).
- PC Minimum Requirements
- Restart your computer or device.
- Ensure coaxial connections are finger tight and check splitters and cabling for damage or corrosion.
- Wired Speed Test: It’s best to test your speed first using a wired device, such as a computer connected to the modem with a Cat 5e or higher Ethernet cable (It should be labeled on your cable.) If it's not possible to test your speed with a wired connection, there are several apps you can download to test your speed over a wireless connection.
How to address issues: First steps
Reset Your Equipment
Resetting your equipment solves most problems, whether you have a slow connection or no connection at all.
To reset your equipment online:
- Sign in with your Spectrum username and password.
- From the Account Summary page, select the Services tab.
- Under Services & Equipment, select the Internet sub-tab.
- Find the modem or router you want to reset, and select Experiencing Issues?
- Select Reset Equipment.
You can also reboot your modem manually.
If you have a separate router, you should also reset the router after the modem has been reset.
Reboot Your Wireless Device
- Unplug the power cord or remove the battery from the wireless device that is experiencing slow connection issues.
- Allow at 60 seconds before reconnecting it.
- If you are using a wireless adapter, such as a USB adapter for Ethernet or WiFi, unplug the adapter, and allow at least 10 seconds before plugging it back in.
If you need assistance and decide to post a new question, please include:
Your zip code, subscribed speed, equipment and details about your network setup as well as results from a recent speed test and (if you have access) modem logs. Please remember to redact private information including MAC and IP addresses.
Other useful pages to visit:
Outage Information and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Error Codes on the Spectrum TV App & SpectrumTV.com