How do you get to On Demand networks with Xumo?
How do you get to On Demand networks with Xumo? There is no on Demand Channel listed. There is no Channel 01. Voice command only brings you to individual programming. Also, how do you get the numerical channel listing in the guide?
Here are the On Demand and navigation instructions from our support page Explore the Spectrum TV App for Xumo TV
On Demand
Accessed through Home’s Top Navigation, the On Demand page provides a large selection of programs.
To access On Demand content:
Scroll through On Demand section to find movies and series content.
Content categories are available when scrolling down On Demand.
Let us know if you have any other questions.
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There is no On Demand option in the Xumo home pages navigation
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Spectrum needs to publish a guide of shortcuts for xumo remote.
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Are you able to share a picture of the options you have? It should look something like this
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I don’t see that top menu. How do I access it? What page do I need to be on? Thanks
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