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Is this a good speed test result ?

deedleann824 Posts: 148 Contributor
edited November 20 in Connectivity

Best Answers

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 828 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello! From that result it shows the speed to the router is good. If the speed to the device is lower than what is going to the router the issue is more likely to be with the device.


  • RAIST515O
    RAIST515O Posts: 212 Contributor
    edited November 22 Answer ✓

    There is always a bit of "overprovisioning" on some speedtests because of the aggressive buffering and how the transfer windows work on the hybrid cable plant system.

    If you get into high/unstable latency connections it will drop closer to the rated speeds, sometimes even dip a bit below.

    The 103 local rate is likely because it s on 2.4g wireless (n) and not 5g, (ac or ax) or the ethernet is locking 100mbps rate and not 1000.

    Alternatively, a windows update could have knackered the receive window setting... can compare another device to see if it gets better. If so, may need to reset the TCP stack.

    This is a handy tool developed for tweaking the stack in older Windows versions, but it still works for a simple way to reset the stack... just take the option to reset to Windows defaults. It sets it back to auto configure (DHCP), resets chimney and congestion controls, receive.window, MTU, etc. As if the network card was just installed new.