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Hulu and Disney +

Posts: 6 Participant
As of Dec 3 (not sure when it started) you can add Hulu with ads ($1/mo), get Disney+ without ads ($6/mo), or get the Disney Duo, which gives Disney+ AND Hulu both without ads ($10/mo). I was paying for Hulu without ads through Disney at $7.99/mo, and when they announced a price increase to $9.99/mo, I changed to an annual plan (in Aug) to lock in the lower price, then just a week ago I saw Spectrum’s pricing. I called Hulu and they very graciously cancelled my current plan and refunded me for 9 mos of my annual plan, and I signed up for Spectrum’s Disney Duo plan. Linking to my Disney account was totally without hassle. Kudos to both Spectrum and Disney for making this happen.
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