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How do I update the Guide to list NHL Center Ice game replays?

Spectrumca Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited January 6 in Channels and Programming

Game replays are shown on NHL Center Ice but for a replay, the guide listing title for that channel only shows "NHL Center Ice" instead of the game information.

To find a replay, you have to tune into each channel to see if a game is being rebroadcast resulting in a horrible user experience.

A listing in the Guide for a channel with a title of "NHL Center Ice" usually indicates it will show the NHL Center Ice broadcast schedule for the day or other transitional content.

Related Question: Can the listing title for both a live and replay game show the game information (e.g "NHL Hockey: CHI vs CAR - Home Broadcast")? Maybe a useful, informative guide is not possible. The current implementation is really awkward where you have to find a channel displaying the broadcast schedule and then do math to find the correct Spectrum channel:
"GAME n" is on Spectrum Channel x: if n < 10, x = 700 + [n - 1]; if n >= 10, x = 710 + [n - 2]

Best Answer

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,155 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for the feedback, we will forward your suggestions to the video team.

This discussion has been closed.