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Cloud DVR not recording "new" shows

Greymane Posts: 2 Spectator
edited February 14 in Cloud DVR

My wife uses the Spectrum Cloud DVR through Roku and records On Patrol Live. Spectrum shows on the program list there are new shows now (they took a break over new years) but the shows are not being recorded so she is having to do it manually.

I checked our Roku and it is updated (it had actually updated a couple days before this last show) and had reinstalled the Spectrum app as I saw that was recommended. I see in 2022 there was some known problem with Cloud DVR….is it happening again or do you have recommendations for a fix?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,852 Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Welcome to our Community!

    Sometimes after a hiatus, the equipment might "forget" to start recording the new seasons shows again. It doesn't happen a lot, but it happens from time to time. I would suggest two things:

    1.) Rebooting the Roku system.

    2.) Deleting the current instance of "On Patrol Live" as a Series. Than reschedule (Set up again) "On Patrol Live" as a Series. Set to record "New Episodes Only"

    The system will now have the new data set to record. Cloud DVR is totally Internet-based, so I would suggest doing both steps above.



  • Greymane
    Greymane Posts: 2 Spectator

    Ok will give it a try. Thanks.

  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 57 Contributor
    edited January 12


    I am having the same issue. Rebooting the Roku won't hurt but won't fix a Spectrum Cloud DVR issue as I have seen Cloud DVR have similar problems long before getting a Roku.

    In this case, on my end it looks like the channel guide is not listing On patrol as a "new" episode even though they are new episodes, so I am assuming that is why the series settings for new episodes is not working.

    Resetting the series recording has helped in the past for similar problems so it's a good idea to give that a try, but I think this is mainly a guide problem. I think Spectrum needs to fix their guide to list episodes as new as it not only affects On Patrol but other series as well and resetting the recording may not work in this case.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,852 Contributor

    I am having the same issue. Rebooting the Roku won't hurt but won't fix a Spectrum Cloud DVR issue as I have seen Cloud DVR have similar problems long before getting a Roku.

    In this case, on my end it looks like the channel guide is not listing On patrol as a "new" episode even though they are new episodes, so I am assuming that is why the series settings for new episodes is not working.

    Resetting the series recording has helped in the past for similar problems so it's a good idea to give that a try, but I think this is mainly a guide problem. I think Spectrum needs to fix their guide to list episodes as new as it not only affects On Patrol but other series as well and resetting the recording may not work in this case.

    To add to this,

    Neilson (formerly Graenote) is the company that does the listing data for a lot of cable and streaming guides, including Spectrum. What Spectrum has to do is reach out to Neilson to fix the guide data listing issue. Than Nelison has to fix their program information database to in this case, flag new episodes of "On Patrol" as "New." in order for the new episode series functionality to work.

    At this point in time the guide data must recognize a "new" episode as being flagged as "New" if subscribers have Series Recordings set to "New Only." If the guide doesn't find a "New" flag, and episodes are set up to record as "New only" that episode will not record.

    The only other way that a new episode marked as new in the guide might not record is if there is a tuner conflict and more than the allotted number of tuner slots are being used. The modern physical DVR boxes can record four shows at once in the same time slot. Cloud DVR can do fifty. Cloud DVR+ can do a hundred, so that shouldn't be a problem.

    If there is a tuner conflict, the guide looks ahead for up to two weeks in advance and than is supposed to record the repeat episode when the new episode was missed during the tuner conflict. Years ago, I had a commercial power failure during a new series recording, and the guide saw that the new series had not recorded, so it recorded the next airing of that episode which was a repeat.

    But the "New episodes Only" must have that "new" flag in the episode description for the above DVR Management Sequences to work.


  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 57 Contributor

    In the past, I have seen something similar happen typically at the beginning of a new year and it took a few weeks for the Spectrum guide to report new episodes. Maybe Neilson has some software issue where it take a bit to catch up to a new year's guide.

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