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Is there a way to check the remote battery condition through a TV display?

deedleann824 Posts: 178 Contributor
edited February 3 in TV Equipment

I've had the original batteries in the remote (UR3-SR2) a little over 3 years and was curious how much life they still have.

Best Answer

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,832 Contributor
    edited January 15 Answer ✓


    Best way is always to go by the performance of the remote. Evaluate button presses with a straight, unobstructed clear line of site. (Point directly at the box and downward, slightly.) I have had remotes last about six years. If the buttons are working with a clear view to your box, you have nothing to worry about. If you are starting to lose that clear line of site and have to go closer to the box, like three feet away instead of eight, you should replace the batteries with fresh batteries.

    If you have a button that is used often that is becoming harder and harder to press down, it is time for ab new remote.



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