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How to remove “Carrier Voicemail / [call]”

Trenton_4 Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited February 13 in Spectrum Mobile

Problems I am having are, many times my calls go straight to voicemail & I am unaware that I have unread voicemail. And secondly, I don’t want to have to [call] in to see if I have missed a call. I have an iPhone and want the phones default feature, whatever it’s called, to manage my calls. I added the Spectrum Carrier Voicemail call in feature when I first began with Spectrum, not knowing I did not have to do that. My wife signed up for mobile service the same day I did, and just let her iPhone default manage her calls. Has no problems. I’ve worked with the Spectrum Mobile Tech Support Team, and after an hour with them on the phone, they’ve told me they don’t know how to remove that function…(?) Not sure if a new sim card, and a restore to factory settings, after a phone backup is performed would just bring that same issue back? I don’t know what else to do

Best Answer

  • Katrina_L
    Katrina_L Posts: 46 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited January 14 Answer ✓

    Good morning, @ Trenton_4. Welcome to our community. You can try to turn off live voicemail, restart your phone and then turn live voicemail back on.

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