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Problems with email

hobbs22 Posts: 2 Spectator

I have been experiencing some issues within the last few weeks accessing my RoadRunner Email account on my desktop computer. I am able to login on my phone today, but unable to access it via my computer when I try to login it comes up with error message : "403 Forbidden". Any suggestions on what I need to do and how I can access my email?

Best Answers

  • Jilliana_M
    Jilliana_M Posts: 97 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @hobbs22!

    Welcome to our community page! I am so sorry to hear you are having difficulty accessing your road runner email. In an effort to assist you better, can you confirm if, on your computer, you are using Spectrum.net, webmail or a third-party email system, such as outlook?

  • hobbs22
    hobbs22 Posts: 2 Spectator
    Answer ✓

    Figured out it was a VPN. I spoke with my anitvirus company and we got it all figured out. Thank you for your help. I am back in now. Thank you!!