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How do I check to make sure my cable TV isn't set to "power save"mode?

deedleann824 Posts: 187 Contributor
edited February 24 in TV Equipment

Every once in a while, my TV goes black - no audio or video. This usually happens in early evening. I have a UR3-SR2 remote. I looked in settings but did not see anything that might be helpful. My TV is coax connected.


  • Kelly_M
    Kelly_M Posts: 59 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello @deedleann824 and thank you for reaching out in the Community Forums.

    For power saving on a cable box, most times this feature can be turned off in the settings.

    Go to settings on the remote

    Find Timers

    Then go to power savings and turn it off

    If this box doesn't present these options, we may be looking at another model. If so, let us know the model of the cable box and we can get that squared away!

  • deedleann824
    deedleann824 Posts: 187 Contributor

    I don't see that option you mentioned in Settings. Mt cable box is Cisco 4742HDC.

  • Katrina_L
    Katrina_L Posts: 53 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Can you try this ?

    1. Highlight Settings and Support and press the OK/Select button.
    2. Navigate to Preferences, then press the OK/Select button
    3. Go to Digital Receiver and press OK/Select button.
    4. Highlight the desired category. Click for details
    5. Press the OK/Select button.
    6. Press the Back button
  • deedleann824
    deedleann824 Posts: 187 Contributor

    When I press Settings, this is what I see. I do not see anything that says Preferences.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,862 Contributor
    edited February 25

    Hello @deedleann824 ,

    You have the older ODN software on your box. It took awhile to find, but here is how to turn Power Save Mode on and off:

    Press Settings on Remote

    Horizontal Scroll to "Timers"

    Select "Power Save Mode"

    Select the prompt to turn Power Save Mode on or off

    Confirm choice if prompted

    If you still are getting unexpected black screens and they are happening say more than like once a month, due to the age of that box, it might be having power/signal issues. We had that on a much older box (with the older guide you have) where once in a while the TV would go black, and we would have to channel scroll up or down to get a picture on the screen, stopping for about five seconds for the channel to tune. We did this about seven times, and than go back to the channel that had the black screen and the picture would be back using either this method, or by rebooting the box. If you do the channel up/down to get the picture back, you have to wait for at least five seconds for the picture to tune and use channel/up down at least six times. Than go back to the channel that was blank. If you don't wait for the channel to tune in using the six times up/down button press, it won't work.

    The up/down process takes about 30 seconds as opposed to about ten minutes for the older boxes to reboot.

    If this is happening more than once a month, you will probably need a newer model box to get this issue to stop once and for all. The reboot process of the newer boxes is so much faster! I can't remember the last time I had to reboot my box, or had a blank screen issue. The newer boxes are the ones without clocks on the panels and run the Spectrum Guide.


  • deedleann824
    deedleann824 Posts: 187 Contributor

    Okay, I found it using those directions. Power Save was off, so I guess that isn't the issue.

    I wish I had the correct manual for my remote when the technician installed the TV. I was given a pamphlet, but it displayed 3 other remotes and none were what I have.

    Thanks again, Satch.