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Will Pixel 5 unlocked work on Spectrum Mobile?

Posts: 18 Participant

Existing user with a Note 9. Want to get the Pixel 5 but I dont have access to the IMEI number to check if it will work. Anyone know if I can use the Pixel 5 on Spectrum?


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  • Posts: 18 Participant

    I know its not available to buy thru you guys but will it work if I buy the phone thru Google? Unlocked USA version?

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    Will it ever work on the network? You guys have supported all the other Pixel phones.

  • Posts: 515 Spectrum Employee

    We do not have a time line on when it may be available. You can check for updates on our Mobile site.

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    What about the Pixel 4a 5G?

  • Posts: 515 Spectrum Employee

    The Pixel 4a is a 4G device and would not capable of 5G.

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    No. The phone is called Pixel 4a 5G. Its a new variant of the 4a capable of 5G. Google it.

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    I'm asking about Devices not network capabilities

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    How about the Samsung Galaxy S20FE?

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    Pixel 5 is up for sale on ur site. So i guess it does work.Thanks for the heads up. Support site sucks!

  • Posts: 8 Spectator

    mirjandre93: I just spoke to a Spectrum Mobile Tech and Sales agent and they were not able to add my Pixel 5 to their 5G network. I purchased my Pixel 5 from the Google Store, but it can't be activated. Just because it is on Spectrum's site for sale, doesn't mean they will add the phone to their network.

    Hopefully someone from Spectrum will see this and make it happen for all the people who pre-ordered their Pixel 5s from Google.

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    I spoke to a tech support person on the phone today and they said it would work on their network if I bought it from Google store. All I have to do is get a new SIM card from the store or site. Idk what the person you talked to said but you should try again.

  • Posts: 8 Spectator

    Thank you mirjandre91 for the info. I will definitely try that as soon as I can at a local Spectrum Store.

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    Please lmk your results at the store

  • Posts: 4,661 Contributor

    Hello All.

    My data shows that at this time Open Market/Unlocked ( open market being direct from the manufacturer or places like Best Buy) Pixel 5 and Pixel 4a 5G are not supported.

    They will be in the future, from what I am seeing, but we are not currently accepting those in the Bring Your Own Device program.


  • Posts: 8 Spectator


    Thank you for the information. However, how can it be that Spectrum sells the Pixel 5 on their website, but will not allow the phone to be brought over on the Bring Your Own Device program? It is frustrating that I pre-ordered the phone, but I am not able to use it on your network.

    Since you said it will be in the future, can you give us a date on when it will be allowed?

  • Posts: 4,661 Contributor

    I am sorry @CarloL I do not have a date listed for when that will be allowed.


  • Posts: 18 Participant

    So why did the Tech rep on the phone guarantee me it would work? She specifically said that if I bought it from Google it would work. Al I would have to do is get new SIM card. If I wasted $700 I'm gonna be livid.

  • Posts: 8 Spectator

    @mirjandre91016 I just got back from a local Spectrum Store. Here's some bullet points from my discussion with the sales associate:

    • December 8th is the date that Spectrum will allow the Pixel 4a 5G and Pixel 5 onto their system using the 5G sim card. However, if you purchase a Pixel 5 from them, it should have a 5G Sim card installed to work.
    • Stated that the SIM card in my Pixel 4 should work in the Pixel 5, even though it is not a 5G SIM. I will verify this weekend and update this thread.

    Bottom line, if you want to add your Pixel 5 to their 5G network, you'll have to wait until December 8th. If you want a Pixel 5 with 5G capabilities, you'll have to buy their Pixel 5 from the website or in the store.

    Hope this information helps you. I honestly don't care if I'm getting 5G speeds on my phone, I just want to be able to use my Pixel 5. My Pixel 4 battery life is just terrible.

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    Yeah I got lied to on the phone. This sucks. Can't get the color I want and now I gotta wait longer to get the stupid black one. Got charged a $35 restock fee by Google. All because of Spectrum.

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    CarloL, ppl on XDA reporting they getting 5G without a new SIM card. The coverage is hard to find in some areas tho

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    My P5 from Google will arrive in next few days. Im gonna try just putting my old SIM in it and letting it ride.

    Lmk ur results CarloL

  • Posts: 8 Spectator

    @mirjandre91016 I was able to use my 4g sim card in my Pixel 5. I got this text message for Spectrum:

    Spectrum Mobile: A 4G SIM card is in your new 5G device. Reinsert the SIM card that came with your new device so you can access all the features.

    Fortunately, the phone still works with LTE bands and the sim card. If you got the phone you want coming in, just swap your sim card. I'll just wait until Spectrum can send me a 5G card. I hope this helps your decision making.

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    That's what I'm gonna do then. 5G barely works anyway. I'd take the Sage color and an unlocked phone over 5G. Phone should be here tomorrow. Lmk if u run into any problems

  • Posts: 8 Spectator

    @mirjandre91016 Just wanted to let you know, I have not had any issues with using the 4G Sim card in my Pixel 5. I'm not sure of the 5G coverage in my area, but I'm happy to have my Pixel 5 working.

    Hope that helps you when you get your phone. Let me know if you have any issues.

  • Posts: 18 Participant

    All good here. 5G soon as I powered it on.

    Lmk if u get the November update OTA. Has lots of bug fixes with it

  • Posts: 8 Spectator

    @mirjandre91016 Glad to hear you got it to work.

    Just want to clarify, you returned your Pixel 5 to the Google Store (where they charged you $35), then purchased a Pixel 5 from Spectrum so you can get the 5G SIM card?

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I just got off the phone with customer service and they told me my unlocked pixel 5 isn’t eligible to be added to their network at this time. Not super stoked.

  • Posts: 8 Spectator

    @dstarkhrc83 You can take your SIM card out of you current phone and put it in your Pixel 5. It will still work, that's what I did. You just won't have 5G, you have to get a 5G Sim Card from Spectrum which won't happen until December 8th.

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