Why do I get an email for "Service Restore"?

LaMac2552 Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited March 15 in Suggestions & Feedback

WHY do they send a notice that service is restored, when you are sitting in the quiet waiting for the Call back that they said you would receive.

How would you know to to check your email, if the whole system has been down. 12:30 PM to After 5:00 PM.

Do you think we will see a refund for the lot hours???? I highly doubt it.


Best Answer

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,117 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited March 15 Answer ✓

    Hi @LaMac2552, welcome to our community!

    You can adjust your notification preferences by signing in at Spectrum.net or the My Spectrum app. Credits can be applied to cover your service charges for any day we can verify the service was impacted 4 hours or longer.