Audio Video out of sync on On Demand Streaming


my Roku TV is brand new. Ever since I bought it, 4 weeks ago my audio video goes out of sync after a commercial on streaming on demand ONLY.

No other apps have this problem only spectrum.

I have done the following several times.

Rebooted router, updated software on TV and on Spectrum app. Deleted app and reinstalled.
it gets better if you ffwd or rewind and lasts until the next set of commercials.

I can’t believe that spectrum can’t get this fixed in a month.

Anyone been able to fix this. It is very very annoying.

Best Answer

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 708 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello and welcome to the Spectrum Community!

    I do apologize for the issues with the app on the Roku. Are you seeing the issue on other devices that use the Spectrum TV app or just on the Roku?



  • Margaretg
    Margaretg Posts: 3 Spectator

    All of my TV’s are Roku. It s SO annoying and has been going on for over a month. I have been told Spectrum is aware of this and is working on it but surely they could have fixed it in a month. I’m paying for a service not receiving. I think I’ll have to give up spectrum, it appears I have no options.

  • bhilly
    bhilly Posts: 3 Spectator

    Margaret you are not alone. We are having the same issue with our Hisense Roku TV. We exit the program and go back in, but it happens during the next break again. C'mon Spectrum! Can we please fix this Yikes!

  • Margaretg
    Margaretg Posts: 3 Spectator

    thank you bhilly, I knew it wasn’t just me. Why are we paying for. Service that we are not getting in good working order. I’m so frustrated . They even lied to me and told me it was a Roku problem.

    Come on, at least tell the truth.