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Re: Spectrum TV App freezing and pixilation on Xbox one and Xbox series X - KNOWN ISSUE ANSWERED
Further usage tonight I have been able to watch Discovery with no pixelation. I watched the space launch and Alaska the Last Frontier and didn't see the problem. If I switch to NBC to watch Sunday ni…1 -
Re: Spectrum TV App freezing and pixilation on Xbox one and Xbox series X - KNOWN ISSUE ANSWERED
Please ensure the developers understand that this occurs when there is a decent amount of movement on the screen. For example, a football game or commercials with a alot movement. All of the recommen…1 -
Re: Spectrum TV App freezing and pixilation on Xbox one and Xbox series X - KNOWN ISSUE ANSWERED
@James_M, there are numerous other threads that keep getting closed by admins saying the same thing. The troubleshooting steps do not resolve the problem and connection is not the issue. I have tried…2