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Re: Incomplete APN settings: MMSC field not set
@HT_Greenfield I did have the Google Carrier Services app installed on my previous devices. Sometimes the Play Store account would list Verizon on some of the devices and sometimes Spectrum. With thi…1 -
Re: Incomplete APN settings: MMSC field not set
@HT_Greenfield I was excited that the other day I was able to remove Verizon apps from my Google Store app/account on my device. I haven't been able to do that for over a year. (The Google Store app …1 -
Re: Incomplete APN settings: MMSC field not set
Thanks, @HT_Greenfield . Yeah, the Motorola agent I'm currently working with said, "…other carrier MVNO's that also show up that way, but not all do".1 -
Re: Incomplete APN settings: MMSC field not set
I have seen in the past that my Google Play account lists my device carrier as Verizon Wireless sometimes and on two phone sites, it lists my phone number as Verizon Wireless.1 -
Re: Incomplete APN settings: MMSC field not set
@HT_Greenfield the manufacturer replaced my phone with an Edge 2024. It has the same exact issue: the network settings are incomplete, even though on the Spectrum system side it said that activiation…1